The main difference between traditional and modern building construction with timber frame structure is that the second type of inner wall of the house is built of timber loadbearing structure, and the outer wall is built of brick, stone or block to form the finished appearance of your house, which assumes all atmospheric changes. Between the inner and outer wall there is a cavity formed, but as we all know, the air is a good insulator. Thus the inner part of the house is completely insolated from the outside, which makes it much easier for heating, reducing your heating bills up to 50%. The outer wall decorate according to your taste and is not distinguished by anything from any other house.
Most of the timber frame construction is being prepared in advance and allows the entire structure with a roof to be built for about a week. This allows all workers in the house and outside to work together, regardless of the weather. The house can be ready for several weeks, and not as usual for several months and because it is very dry wall construction, the house is ready for decoration and use.
Because a new EU directive on the energy performance of buildings is about to become law in many European countries. Now, for the first time , everyone will know the exact energy performance, or label, of their house. Buying a home will be just like buying a car or a fridge or a washing machine – efficiency will be everything. Buyers will compare properties, noting their energy ratings. A Global Structures timber frame home has the highest possible energy rating and, therefore, it will be worth more.
Simply because it is an advanced method of construction. It takes seven times more energy to raise the temperature of a conventional masonry house one degree than it does a Global Structures timber frame home. This means less oil, electricity or gas is needed to heat it. Over the course of it’s lifetime, it will greatly reduce amount of CO2 generated and released into the environment .
Because a Global Structures timber frame home uses less cement and steel in its construction. Cement is the worst environmental polluter of our generation – one ton of Portland cement produces one ton of CO2, witch makes it a far worse source of atmospheric pollution than the oil industry or any other polluting sector.
In conventional housing there are two block walls , while in a Timber Frame home the inside block wall is replaced by a load bearing structural timber frame wall which provides a warm surface next to the living area. Both forms of construction look identical from the outside but a Timber Frame home has numerous advantages over conventional construction.