By living in a Timber Frame home you will be helping protect the environment for future generations. You will burn less fossil fuel, produce less CO 2, and less damage to the Ozone layer, and save yourself a significant amount of money over your time because of your reduced heating energy requirements.
All Global Structures homes are manufactures using wood from managed forests. This is purpose grown timber which is being continuously replenished by a responsible and on-going program of planting new trees.
Better quality all-round – you can expect a better quality finish with a Timber Frame home. This is simply because your new home will be manufactured in a factory environment. It is much easier to consistently achieve optimum quality in a factory than it is for even most dedicated builder to achieve on site.
Structurally engineered – every Timber Frame home we produce is an engineering structure specially designed for you by our structural engineer. In other words the people who decide what size of timbers to use in your new home are the same people who decide what size of steel to use in civil engineering projects like bridges. This level of professional involvement is just something you will not get in conventional housing – and gives you , the end user , tremendous peace of mind.
Global Structures strive to meet our customers requirements in a personal but professional manner whether the project is an individual home or large commercial development. Throughout each step, we have the in-house skills and experience to ensure that the project is finished.
Global Structures have a range of standard house types available to suit many tastes. However , more and ore people are coming to us because we can design you a unique home, tailor-made to meet your individual requirements..